單對單教授 自選時間 自選款式
1. 確定您自己想要的日期/時間及蛋糕款式
2. 電話或電郵WhatsApp, WeChat預約 (留姓名及電話,預約日期時間及蛋糕款式)。
3. 預約後2 天內銀行過戶Payme付款。
4. 於過戶當日致電或電郵WhatsApp, WeChat本店作"過數確認"並必須保留入數收據。
5. 留位3天內未收到學員的存款通知,留位將自動取消。
6. 上課當日必須交回銀行過戶收據。
7. 學員如失約則示作放棄該課程,已繳付之學費,恕不退還。
8. 如學員更改上課時間, 需於最少上課三天前通知本公司, 以作安排。
9. 上課時不接受任何款式改動確保課堂流程暢順。
10. 如遇 8 號颱風或以上及黑色暴雨警告訊號,當日課程將會改期或取消。本店會以電話通知各學員最新安排。
1 to 1 Teaching
Choose Your own Time and Your Favorite
Booking & Payment method:
1. Determine the date/time and the Cake Style that you preferred.
2. Reserve the date/time either by phone or e-mail orWhatsApp, WeChatare applicable
(just leave your name and contact telephone number as well as the Cake Style you chosen).
3. Payment to be made thru bankor Payme within 2 days after your reservation.
4. Notify our shop by phone or e-mailor WhatsApp, WeChat to verify the payment (please keep the original pay-in slip).
5. Reservation will be automatically cancelled if no further payment received within 3 days).
6. Bring along the bank pay-in slip on time of starting the course.
7. The course fee will not be refunded if the student fails to keep an appointment.
8. The appointment date/time will only be re-arranged upon receiving notice at least 3 days before,
otherwise no change will be accepted.
9. Cake decoration once chosen will not be allowed to change on time of lesson in order to smooth the lesson going on.
10. The date/time on courses will be re-arranged when the Typhoon Signal No.8 or Black Rainstorm Warning issued.